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View our menu
Nice Burgundian

Come and have a bite to eat at the Reunion! A nice piece of steak, a salad or vegetarian, that's all possible at our country estate. Start your day fresh with a nice cup of coffee or have a drink together on a Friday afternoon? We also have a Burgundian offer and pilsners and special beers for enthusiasts!

View our menu below and choose what you like!

Also check us out our children's menu!

Beer & other drinks

Fancy a fresh beer or rather a cup of coffee to start your day fresh, view our drinks menu.

Lunch & salads

Do you fancy a warm or a cold lunch dish? Then De Reünie is the right place for you! View our lunch menu here.

Pizza & pancakes

A pizza or pancake lover? Then enjoy your fresh pizza or pancake with us!

Dinner menu & desserts

Hungry? Meat, fish or vegetarian? Then there is plenty of choice for you at our Reunion.


A Belgian beer or fresh?

A cup of hot coffee, tea, or just a nice glass of soda.. a nice Belgian rascal, a fresh beer or a glass of wine... you have to be at Buitengoed de Reünie for this!


Lunch menu & salads

Are you looking for a place to enjoy a bite to eat in the evening?

Do you fancy a piece of meat, a fresh fish or rather something vegetarian, then you will certainly be able to make a tasty choice at Buitengoed De Reünie!


Pizza & pancakes

From delicious homemade pancakes, in the natural flavors or with cheese and bacon, there are various options for a tasty appetite!
Pizzas are also one of our specialties.

Dinner menu & desserts

Are you looking for a place to enjoy a bite to eat in the evening?

Do you fancy a piece of meat, a fresh fish or rather something vegetarian, then you will certainly be able to make a tasty choice at Buitengoed De Reünie!


Kids menu

We have our own menu for our youngest guests, but did you know that all dishes from the general menu can also be ordered in small portions? Nothing more fun for a child than to join the 'big people'!

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